April 18, 2018

What is UV Radiation?

Ultraviolet (UV) light is a non-visible electromagnetic radiation commonly known as light from the sun or as a "black light" used to check currency. It has shorter wavelengths than visible light but longer wavelengths than X-ray radiation. UV light covers wavelengths from 100 to 400 nm and is divided into three subcategories:

Ultraviolet A              UVA           400 - 315 nm

Ultraviolet B              UVB           315 – 280 nm

Ultraviolet C              UVC           280 – 100 nm

Both UVA and UVB radiation pass through the earth’s atmosphere, reaching the surface, but UVC radiation is mostly absorbed by the ozone layer, never completely reaching land. 

In lighting spectrums, a shorter wavelength means more energy.  UVC  has the shortest wavelength which allows it to be more energetic than visible light, and a more powerful tool for effective radiation. It is versatile and can be used for disinfecting water and destroying harmful micro-organisms in other liquids, on surfaces, food products and in 'air' organisms. UVC technology is an inexpensive, highly efficient and reliable way to destroy more than 99.999% of all pathogens within seconds without the additional use of chemicals or harmful side effects.