Ruby360 Integrated Agricultural Solutions

With roots dating back as far as 1947, Ruby360 provides integrated agricultural solutions within Canada and the USA. We have strong relationships with the manufacturers we represent from North America and Europe to offer highly efficient, durable products.
Ruby360 is dedicated as your partner to provide innovative solutions specific to your needs. The welfare of your animals, your staff and the environment are at the forefront of our decision-making process when designing solutions.
Allow us to seamlessly bring together your equipment, climate/ventilation, renewable energy and control systems for your farm.


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Steve Soderstrom, Cal Poly University

Steve Soderstrom

Cal Poly University, Manager, Poultry Science

"I can't think of a better team than Salmet and Ruby 360. Quality poultry enclosures from Salmet controlled by custom control panels featuring Opticon technology designed by Ruby 360. It's a reliable combination that makes my job easier."

Pierre Dubois, Alfred Couture Ltd.

Pierre Dubois

Alfred Couture Ltd., Director, Aviary Division

"We are very satisfied with our enriched cage systems from Salmet. We chose this option for its design and durability. We would recommend this system to more egg producers. Performance and satisfaction is guaranteed."

Andre Hovens, Opticon Agri-Systems

Andre Hovens

Opticon Agri-Systems,

"The main advantage of Ruby360 is that they have the technical skills within their company to have the right support for our products so that the farmers over in North America have direct access to the technical people who know a lot about our systems."