Lighting Equipment Solutions

Through our strategic partnership with Once, we understand the importance to have the correct lighting for your livestock. We know how to match up the right lighting and control it properly for your operation.


Broiler Lighting

ONCE® broiler-specific lighting systems are designed to improve productivity and enhance animal welfare by providing a light spectrum the animal responds to best, during all stages of development. With AgriShift® technology and a production dimmer program, light intensity, photoperiod and color spectrum can be can all be manipulated for better performance.

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Turkey Lighting

Productivity of the turkey farm is just one of the benefits of the AgriShift® LED lighting system. Along with the energy savings of ordinary LED lighting, Turkey-specific AgriShift® LED Lighting Systems are designed to mimic the spectral sensitivity curves of the turkey. With AgriShift® technology and a production dimmer program, light intensity, photoperiod and color spectrum can all be manipulated for better performance.

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