April 30, 2019

News from Salmet

April 2019 Salmet update

New generation XXL-feed hopper
SALMET has developed a new generation of its feed hopper for the S700 and AGK layer cages. This travelling XXL-hopper offers more volume, up to ca 60 kg per feed bin* and there for can be filled in the front of the layer house, while offering at the same time enough feed capacity for the entire house, regardless of its length.

The existing hopper also remains available. While the unique feature of the SALMET hopper are installed on both version.This means that egg belt brushes, feed trough scrapers, feed hopper agitator are always standard, while both hoppers can optionally equipped with egg belt cleaning blowers. Read more..

Contact us for more information

*based on a test with feed of a density of 0,8 kg/l, may vary depending on type of feed



Training poultry farm management
Training of your poultry house specialists and managers is extremely important to get the utmost out of your SALMET equipment. There for Salmet is offering several training courses on:

  • poultry farm management
  • poultry production technology
  • and much more…

The trainings are offered in cooperation with a well-known European Poultry College. Do you like to know more or need an offer?

Contact us for more information



Expanding SALMET office in Panama
It is a pleasure to introduce to you Mr. Gabriel Reyes. Gabriel has start at the 1st of November 2018 his function as Administrative Coordinator at the Salmet office in Panama.

He will be assisting RBM’s from South America in the elaboration of offers and calculations, further he will be assisting and supporting the processes of spare part orders, claims and administration in general.



Pedigrow new features
The SALMET Pedigrow2 rearing system for pullets has undergone some improvements which led to a wider product range. 3 versions are now available:
Normal Pedigrow2
Pedigrow2 with raised legs
Pedigrow2  with raised legs and closed top tier
Pedigrow2 with raised legs
The Pedigrow system with raised legs gives birds access to the area underneath the system. The house floor beneath the raised system is used as litter area, i.e. it counts as usable area, depending on local regulations.  Cleaning underneath the system is also easier with raised legs. Glosing grids are available to close the space underneath the Pedigrow.

Pedigrow2 with raised legs and closed top tier 
The Pedigrow2-03 is mainly thought for markets in transition from cage to cage-free and that are producing layers for both markets. It is especially interesting for customers who want to build their first alternative system and have no birds available raised in multi-tier alternative systems.
The main feature is the closure of the top tier. This is realised by doors (A) and hang-in ramps (B) as this is done in the lowest tier. An additional floor (C) confines the top.

Contact us for more information



Pedigrow project South America
November 2018 we installed the first Pedigrow project in the southern part of America. It is the first rearing project in Latin America with SALMET.

In the Pedigrow 2 system are about 30.000 birds raised. The customer has chosen for the Pedigrow rearing system based on Salmet’ s proven quality and extended knowledge and support for the management of birds in aviary systems.  Jaime Garcia, Technical Poultry Husbandry Advisor of SALMET was there to assist the client with the start-up during the first weeks. The start and development of the birds is going well and  successful reared birds have been housed in the Salmet aviary layer farm.