Lighting for Layers

AgriShift® LED Lighting Systems provide increased egg output, lower mortality, longer peak production period, and improved animal wellfare for aviary, cage-free, enrichable, and traditional systems. Along with the energy savings, Layer-specific AgriShift® LED Lighting Systems are designed to mimic the spectral sensitivity curves of poultry and provide Dim-to-Red® technology for enhanced productivity. With a ONCE® LED lighting system and a production dimmer program; light intensity, photoperiod, and color spectrum can all be controlled for better performance.


Productivity Enhancement

With Dim-to-Red® Agrishift® LED lighting, providing natural daylight simulation for improved productivity is easily achieved. The Dim-to-Red® light spectrum decreases the time to peak production by stimulating ovulation via the release of reproduction stimulating hormones. Sunrise and sunset simulation eliminate the stress inputs of the legacy lighting practices of switching lights on and off abruptly. This helps lower overall stress in the flock which lowers mortality and supports immune response so egg laying capacity is not reduced. Research tests and on-farm testing have both shown immediate changes in bird behavior more in line with normal behavior.


Built For Your Barn®

ONCE® Agrishift® LED lamps have a robust design that is made specifically for harsh agricultural environments and come with a 5 year (24/7) warranty. The JJ-Jelly Jar, JB-Junction Box, and HW-Hard Wire versions are suitable for use in wet locations and are IP-66 rated. Article 547 of the National Electric Code requires LED luminaries in agricultural building be suitable for wet locations. This is to prevent electrical shock hazard, reduce the risk of fire, and prolong the life of the equipment. When making your purchasing decision be wary of other LED lamps that are merely suitable for damp locations or are built for residential housing and have warranties that void if operated in violation of the National Electric Code. In addition to being wet-rated, Agrishift® LED lamps are built to withstand the corrosive vapors from animal excrement and excessive dust accumulation. This prolongs the life and eliminates maintenance costs.


Energy Savings

Unbelievable as it sounds, switching from incandescent lighting to LED lighting with dimming can save from 85 to 95% of your lighting electricity costs. Switching from compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) to ONCE® LED lighting products saves from 60 to 70%.


Animal Welfare

Reducing animal stress improves animal livability and performance. ONCE® Agrishift® LED lamps, lighting programs, and systems are directed toward minimizing extreme changes in lighting. Abrupt and extreme changes in lighting are shown to excite flight responses which increase cortisol levels and inhibit melatonin secretion hence reducing overall well-being of the bird. By offering LED lamps that present uniform coverage and a consistent light, including the ability to provide a smooth sunset and sunrise functionality minimizes corticosterone levels and other stress markers.