Bird Scale Computer (DWS-20)


The Opticon DWS-20 is a management system designed for the modern producer who requires optimum production information. The DWS-20 unit incorporates a bird weighing system, temperature recording, water and feed consumption registration and alarming for four poultry houses.

The system measures and records the live body weight of the birds. To be used for broilers, breeders, rearing (in cages), ducks and turkeys. The weighing scale is suspended at the ceiling. This generates a large number of weighings with high level of accuracy. The DWS-20 shows you at a glance whether the planned target weight agrees with the actual bird weight in any house. It also alerts you when a abnormal growth rate fluctuation is detected.


  • Much better, faster and more flock information for management purpose.
  • A large number of weighings per day without stress for the birds as well as for the farmer.
  • System is suitable for all kinds of birds.
  • Monitors the body weight, environment and water - feed consumption.
  • Gives better control of the production, increase productivity.
  • Number of weighings/day gives a good indication of the activity of the birds.
  • Early detection of disease (reduction of weighings or growth).
  • Controls the quality of a new batch of feed.
  • Slaughter weight can be obtained much more accurate, within < 1,5 %, which results in a better planning for the slaughterhouses.
  • Avoids financial penalizes for inaccurate weights.
  • By using the system for rearing and breeding, better tuning for feed rationing possible.
  • No manual weighings needed anymore, which saves time.
  • No maintenance because the cable and the electronic parts are not in contact with the litter and the birds, no moving mechanical parts.


OPTICON bird weighing

Ruby360 Controls