AGRISHIFT® MLM-G for Broilers, Pullets & Turkeys


The AgriShift® MLM-G simulates an enhanced green light spectrum with added blue, stimulating a birds’ highest color sensitivity to meet developmental needs at all stages of growth. The added red content regulates circadian rhythms, improving animal welfare. Research has consistently concluded that broilers reared under monochromatic green light during the early stage experienced greater proliferation of the skeletal satellite cells, a primary muscle regenerator.

The Science Behind the Technology 

The AgriShift® MLM-G is designed with Junglite Green™ technology, the most advanced agricultural lighting solution on the market today. There are no other products available designed specifically to replicate a birds’ natural habitat with a jungle green light like this technology does. It provides an optimized color spectrum with full dimming capability, essential for healthy bird growth and sexual development.


  • Enhances productivity 
  • Improves animal welfare 
  • Natural jungle green spectrum
  • Experience ROI after the first flock
  • Advanced 10 W LED system specialized for poultry 
  • Low-profile, wide 200 degree beam angle